TO- Mumbai police commissio

ner ACTION TAKEN REPORT ON CFS COMPLAINT NO:-CFS-30877178 DATE-25/06/2022, hafta collecting rajanclose alde Ravi bmc, where the informer has confirmed that no one was visited below however due to safe safety measures and due to the before 6 to 7 month's suffered direct Sought information from Mumbai police commissioner sir to take the action taken report from LT marg let see what will be the latest moments of Lt marg as before unattended complaint all complaint shown nor guilty which numbers of accuses whom sincerely working CP sir found guilty even arrest of same whom lt marg in ATR say non guilty 3rd party they forget the direction of whistle blower act ,? power given under protection of human rights act India 1993 amendment 2006 goverment of India has given human rights commission to take action where human rights violation has observed informed or not it doesn't matter human rights can take own functions Accordingly protection of human rights is the duties under para 3 section 19 article 3 constitution of democratic country where the such activities any citizen also have to ask questions and sought information and complaint about any thing which state fundamental rights freedom of speech and expression all such flaunting and violated by LT MARG POLICE DIVISION so warees ali sayyed has taken move before lokaayukt and high court even state human rights commission for justice and now to make the corruption came in light so he has sought information under RTI act 2005. INFORMATION REQUIRED BELLOW ENCLOSED ATTACHMENT:- FROM TIME INFORM TILL ACTION TAKEN AGAINST INFORMATION REQUIRED POINTS EACH SEPARATE IN NUMBER WISE INFORMATION SOUGHT UNDER RTI 2005 ACT INDIA PAID ONLINE FEE AS PER THE STATE RULES, CIRCULARS ORDER ACCORDINGLY INFORMATION REQUIRED:- SPEED POST MODE OR EACH BY EMAIL ANY QUERIES SOUGHT IF UNAVAILABLE OR NOT AVAILABLE IN RECORDS PLEASE KINDLY PROVIDE ME DETAILS REASON AND RESPONSIBILE FOR LAPSES OFFICER\'S IF ANY DEAR.0 Im providing Evidence in refrance to ATR report Any Information Officer who wilfully provides wrong or misleading information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act to any application, can be penalised Rs 25,000 by the Commissioner, plus disciplinary action can be recommended against him," former CIC Shailesh GandhiTO- Mumbai police commissioner ACTION TAKEN REPORT ON CFS COMPLAINT NO:-CFS-330877178 DATE-25/06/2022, hafta collecting rajanclose alde Ravi bmc AS BEFORE HARRASMENT MADE TO ME SO I WANT CP SIR TO TAKE DETAILS AND PROVIDE ME BECAUSE 5 RTI REPLY IS UNFAIR EVIDENCE ARE THERE BUT HOWEVER EXPERIENCE IS REALLY UNFAITHFUL EVEN COMPLAINANT IDENTITY HAS BEEN LEAKED INFORMATION REQUIRED BELLOW ENCLOSED ATTACHMENT:- FROM TIME TILL ACTION TAKEN TILL DATE POINTS EACH SEPARATE IN NUMBER WISE INFORMATION SOUGHT UNDER RTI 2005 ACT INDIA PAID ONLINE FEE AS PER THE STATE RULES, CIRCULARS ORDER ACCORDINGLY INFORMATION REQUIRED:- SPEED POST MODE OR EACH BY EMAIL ANY QUERIES SOUGHT IF UNAVAILABLE OR NOT AVAILABLE IN RECORDS PLEASE KINDLY PROVIDE ME DETAILS REASON AND RESPONSIBILE FOR LAPSES OFFICER DEAR. Im providing Evidence in refrance to ATR report,