@CMOMaharashtra @AUThackeray @AslamShaikh_MLA
#HancockBridge installation work is stopped at last minute with one line order.Railway already blocked the schedule & if cancelled will arise in lakhs of Rupess fine & indefinite delay🙏
Public interest thrown to dustbin by vested interest public servants.
Residents of Dongri and Mazgaon wake up. Our public servants are not allowing the bridge to be completed.
@mlaAminPatel @rais_shk @iYashwantJadhav @mybmc
WDR/HUMILITY. No intention to cause hurt and injury to anyone or institution. Only in interest of nation and public at large. In the event if my submission is incorrect please educate me with relevant information and provision of law.
Date 4.6.21
Kamlakar shenoy
Jai Hind